Best Plastic Surgeon Montreal, Quebec

Best Plastic Surgeon Montreal, Quebec


As with any surgery, the single most important factor in the success of cosmetic surgery is the surgeon you select. Do not take this responsibility lightly. In Canada, it is legal for any physician who holds a medical license, with or without surgical training, to perform cosmetic surgery. That's why understanding plastic surgery certification is so important. THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CANADA and THE CORPORATION PROFESSIONNELE DES MEDECINS DU QUEBEC are the only boards recognized to certify in the plastic surgery specialty. That means at least 5 years of surgery and plastic surgery training, followed by rigorous examinations administered by trained and experienced plastic surgeons.

Only after you have established mutual objectives with a surgeon with appropriate credentials should you decide to proceed with aesthetic surgery.

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons du Quebec
La Corporation Professionnelle des Medecins du Quebec